This domain grants powers and spells against mundane and magical attacks.
The gods have two major reasons to protect their followers:
Either the goal is to spare them the pain and suffering or
to allow them to stay venturous under attack for a longer time.
Consequently the domain Protection belongs into the portfolio of benevolent gods
as well as gods of war and battle.
Badh Catha
Granted Powers:
You can generate a Protective Ward as a supernatural ability.
Grant someone you touch a resistance bonus equal to your cleric level on his or her next saving throw.
Activating this power is a standard action.
The Protective Ward is an abjuration effect with a duration of 1 hour that is usable
a number of times per day equal to three + your Charisma modifier.
You gain an Armor Proficiency feat for which you meet the prerequisites.
Example: A Carrilion Priest of Dian Cécht would gain Armor Proficiency (Light),
whereas a Carrilion Cleric of Nuadu Airgetlám would gain Armor Proficiency (Heavy).
Domain Spells
- Resistance: Subject gains +1 bonus on saving throws.
- Shield of Faith: Aura grants +2 or higher deflection bonus.
- Shield OtherF:You take half of subject's damage.
- Protection from Energy: Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
- Spell Immunity: Subject is immune to one spell per four levels.
- Spell Resistance: Subject gains SR 12 + level.
- Antimagic Field: Negates magic within 10 ft.
- Repulsion: Creatures can't approach you.
- Mind Blank: Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying.
- Prismatic Sphere: As Prismatic Wall, but surrounds on all sides.