This domain is dedicated to the abominable art of necromancy, the darkest school of magic allowing it's practitioners to take life and deny death. Whoever carelessly uses it's powers will be hunted by many deities' worshipers. The only tolerated targets for undeath are the enemies of the human races and people who are guilty of the most heinous crimes.
Among those deities that despise the Undeath domain are Dana, Dagda, Oghma and Brigit, four of the most powerful deities of the Tuatha dé Dannan.
Deities: Arawn
Granted Powers: Channeling: Rebuke, command, or bolster undead.
Note: 5 ranks of Knowledge (religion) give you a +1 bonus to the DC for rebuking, commanding, or bolstering undead.
You gain the feats Extra Channeling and Spell Focus (Necromancy).
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